October 26, 2017


If you've been with us for this long, you probably already know the answer to this question.  

Do you know what content blew up our numbers and shattered everything else? 


We created this quick 3-minute video based on the same content of this blog we posted over a month ago. 

The article itself got so-so engagement and reach, but when we transformed the content into a video…well let's just look at the numbers and see the difference. 

We allocated $38.31 for each ad (the blog ad and the video ad) to ensure that we could compare the results. We used the same targeting to reach the same individuals, but the numbers were incredibly different. 

Original Blog (with Paid Facebook Advertising): 

Reach: 2,530 

Impressions: 3,650 

Total Clicks: 35 

Frequency: 1.44 

Average Read Time: 27 seconds 

Video with Blog Content Inside (with Paid Facebook Advertising):

Reach: 4,759 

Impressions: 4,994 

Total Clicks: 58 

Frequency: 1.05 

Average Watch Time:  

  • 1,719 users watched 3 seconds 
  • 647 users watched 10 seconds 
  • 93 watched users 25% of the video 
  • 53 watched users 50% of the video 
  • 43 users watched 75% of the video. 
  • 34 users watched 95-100% of the video. 

Alright, so what does this mean to you? Obviously, the video is more interesting, but what's the biggest win from this study? 

Here are a few of the awesome reasons why video is killing it currently: 

  • The video ad reached 47% more people compared to the standard blog advertisement. 
  • The video ad also had 27% more users compared to the blog ad. 
  • The video received 23 more clicks than the blog link. That's a 40% increase! 
  • The video ad was shown only 1.05 times to every individual user for better results, but the blog had to be shown 1.44 times to each user to get its lesser result. The video was much more efficient. 

BIG WIN: The most significant win is that the average watch time for the video was much higher than the average read time for the article. 34 users consumed the same content in the blog through the video, but no one took the time to read the article. Same information, same time to read and the same time to watch (the blog is a 3-minute read!). Pretty crazy right? 

All we had to do was change our format to make all the difference! 

Want to see what we can do with your business? We're ready to show you exactly what we do and how we do it to grow your business. Need new leads or just want a few fresh eyes to stop by the store? Set up a call with us today to get started! 

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