November 16, 2017


Writing copy for your ads might be the trickiest part of online advertising. Not only do you have to write copy, but you also have to choose graphics that will draw your reader to your content in the first place.   It sounds like a lot of work.  Because it is.   But we've learned some lessons along the way that can help you turn your content creation processes into efficient systems.  Don't waste any more time trying to think of the catchiest phrase to use for your next ad!   Use some of our simple tips to create killer ad copy and learn from the lessons we've been taught instead of making the same mistakes we did in the beginning!  Grab your backpack, notepads, and don't forget your pencil. It's time to hop on the bus and get ready for some advertising schooling! 

Lesson 1: Grab Your Reader's Attention 

  • Write one sentence at a time. Does this sentence make me want to keep reading? Do this for every line of your content. 
  • Ask a thoughtful question or challenge your audience to do something. This helps strike the chords of their emotions. 
  • BRIGHT and BOLD colored graphics work best. 
  • Video content works wonders. 

Lesson 2: Don't Reinvent the Wheel 

  • Instead of thinking of all new ideas, try using something old and making it new. 
  • Use successful brands or pop culture themes as an example and create your own or something relatively like it to see massive engagement. 

Lesson 3: Call Your Readers to Action EVERY TIME 

  • If you're not calling your readers to action, you will never see a return on your content. 
  • Content takes a long time to create and create well, so why wouldn't you want to see a return on investment? 
  • By including a call to action at the end of all your content pieces (graphics or blogs), you will be telling your readers exactly what they should do next. This allows them to follow the path you want them to take to eventually make a sale. 

Lesson 4: Use Content Tools 

  • Grammarly—use this freemium tool to correct your grammar easily! 
  • Hemingway—we use this tool to help structure our sentences in a more readable format. 
  • Pocket—need content ideas? Use Pocket to save any articles or ideas you find on the internet. Pocket also has articles to search through, too! 
  • Facebook Text Overlay Tool—Facebook has provided you with a way to make sure your ad graphics won't get bounced back. Use this tool to upload your image you've created to make sure there isn't too much text in your ad photos. 
Using content tools can help you create the best content on the internet with little to no effort. Don't worry about proofreading your content when you can let your tools do the work for you. 

Lesson 5: Develop Your Writing & Graphic Style 

  • Use your brand or logo for your color schemes in graphics. 
  • Choose a consistent font to use for all graphics and blog posts. 
  • Write in your voice. Keep it consistent throughout all of your blog posts. 
  • Write open and friendly to your readers, as if they are a friend you're trying to help not a stranger who you want to give you money. 
  • Create with humans in mind first, then worry about structure, punctuation, and grammar. 
These are the top five lessons we've learned since we've started our business. Not only has it helped create better and more efficient processes, but it's also helped us understand our readers and viewers on another level.  Creating content is one of the most important things to do in your marketing strategy, and it shouldn't be an afterthought in your business.   Let us help you get started with your advertising copy today and see how great advertising content can help you find more customers! 
About the Author

Brandon Meek