January 9, 2018


Did you know that companies with a blog see 67% more traffic to their website?
Blog posts are part of your top funnel content that help create awareness around your brand. Best of all, they deliver value to your customer without much effort.
Awareness is the first step in acquiring a new customer. So the obvious first step is to create content that makes prospects aware of your business. 
Blogs are the easiest way to create content that builds awareness. We've got a few ideas for you to start your awareness blogs here:

Introduce Yourself & Your Company

No one wants to buy from a company that never shows its face! Write about your company's story. Relate to your customers by describing your experiences along the way.

Add Graphics to Build Awareness About Your Industry

Curating graphics is a great way to feed off of someone else's engagement, while also being helpful to your readers
This is one of the easiest ways to create blog content without having to put too much extra thought into it. 

Create Case Studies Based on Your Data

Case studies put your company on an expert level! Using the data you've gathered, create a study about the trends you find. Doing so will show your audience that you know what you're talking about.

Display New Projects & Ideas

Did you finish a fancy new project? Include pictures and videos to highlight how awesome it is. Show your readers exactly why they need your company's product or service.

Writing or Having a Guest Blog Posted

Again, engagement sharing is great! Writing a guest blog for a well-known industry leader helps drive traffic to your channels.

Time to Get Typing!

Now that you know exactly how to drive awareness with your blog content, it's time to get to work. Get to typing and write about everything under the sun for your industry! 
Let us know how much your website traffic increases by typing a few extra words a month.
About the Author

Brandon Meek