November 10, 2017


How do you know if your business has an identity crisis? It might be something you've never thought of before, but it's most likely the reason why your business has been a roller coaster of ups and downs

Are You Facing an Identity Crisis?

We've made it easy to see if your business is in crisis mode, and we're giving you four solutions on how to fix it right here, right now.
  • Do you struggle identifying what your true customer is?
  • Do you find it difficult to pick one service or product to showcase?
  • Does your business deliver a lot of value, but you have a hard time explaining exactly how?
  • Do prospects call you asking the same questions time after time? "How does this work? What do you do exactly? Can you tell me a little bit more about your processes?"
Do any of these questions relate to your business? If so, keep reading; we're ready to show you how to fix it with three of our brand identity solutions.

So, How Do I Fix This Identity Crisis?

Knowing if your business or industry has an identity crisis is the first step in figuring out how to reach your customer. It's likely that you're having a hard time finding new clients or closing deals if your business is having an identity crisis.
A common industry where this happens is Physical Therapy. 
For example, one outpatient Physical Therapy clinic could deal with the following ailments:
  • Back Pain
  • Strains
  • Fractures
  • Traumatic Injuries
  • Sports Medicine Injuries
And those are the most general levels of Physical Therapy.
Physical therapy has a wide range in services provided. What most therapists miss is the common theme between those services: feeling better!

3 Easy Solutions to Fix Your Brand Identity Crisis

Find a Theme in Your Practice

We have our theme for our Physical Therapy marketing campaign. We can now focus on this solution to build awareness, evaluation, and conversion.
Your ads, website content, blogs, and social media posts should all be centered around making your patients feel better!

Use Your Mission Statement to Define Your Business

A mission statement is a great way to show what you do without defining your business straight from the dictionary. You can reuse your mission statement language over and over to help drive home what your business does
This consistency will help establish your brand. The best part about that is you can somewhat control how your audience sees your company.
For our Physical Therapy clinic mission statement, you might say something like this:
"Here at Feel Better Physical Therapy, we believe in helping our patients achieve their best selves through exercise, treatment, and therapy that make them feel better than they did before."

Do a Survey

If you're not sure what is the driving factor of your brand identity crisis, all you have to do is ask! Your patients are your best bet at finding out what challenges your audience faces before coming to your practice.
It doesn't have to be a long survey or even something that's written down. You can pick up the phone or wait for new prospects to call to schedule an appointment. Ask them if they'd be willing to answer a few questions to help overcome their challenges with treatment.
Here's a little script you can use for your mini-survey:
"Hi there, my name is Erin. I'm glad you called to set up an appointment today. We've realized that at some of our new patient visits, many of our patients seem confused about what Physical Therapy is
Would you mind if I asked you a few questions before I let you go? It will help you get a better feel for your first appointment and give you some expectations to look forward to."
Pretty simple and easy. 
Here are a few questions we would ask if we were trying to identify what patients don't understand about our Physical Therapy clinic:
  • How would you define a Physical Therapist in your own words?
  • What did your doctor tell you about physical therapy before sending you to us?
  • What expectations do you have for your first visit with us?
  • Can you tell me a little bit about why you decided to move forward with physical therapy?
And that's all you have to do. Even if you decide to ask one question on 10 of your new patient calls, you will begin to understand exactly what is going on in the minds of your patients. Understanding customer challenges is the best way to find out the source of your identity crisis.

Crisis Resolved...I Think?

The most important thing to remember when resolving your brand identity problem is consistency. Without consistency, your identity will never have a defining presence. It will leave your patients and customers confused and uncertain about your business. 
After you've figured out your brand identity problem(s), you need to do a couple of things to ensure your identity stays strong. Here's our quick checklist before we set you loose to do this on your own:
  • Pick a theme (solutions are great, too!)  that works for many or all products or services you offer. Think back to our "Feel Better" solution.
  • Transform all marketing, advertising, and website content to match up with your new brand identity.
  • Create individual product/service campaigns based on your theme or solution. Continue to reuse them over the next few months. Consistency is key.
Identity crises are easy fixes, but the kicker is that most people don't realize they have one until they're bottom line is in the red. It takes time to understand what keeps customers and patients from visiting your clinic. Once you find the reasons you'll be able to set yourself up for success from there on out!
Here at LeadCrossing, we know what it's like to have an identity crisis. We offer a variety of services to a variety of industries, but we're focused on delivering the same result to all our clients: more leads! So you'll see us use that theme over and over again. 
An identity isn't complete without marketing to reach your ideal audience and solve their problems. We're here to help and want to see you succeed. If you want to see how we've structured our business and our identity, ask us to show you a demo of our LeadSCALER process for FREE!
About the Author

Brandon Meek