December 11, 2017


Planning your blog content ahead of time always seems like a chore. 
So you've put it off...
It's now the end of the month.
Your blog content isn't ready for the month ahead.
You're scrambling to do research and write content the day before the month begins and still have time to do day to day business.
Can you guess what's not getting done this month?
From research to organizing topics to deciding how to lay it all out on the calendar, it's a lot of work and time that you don't always have every month.
Most business owners don't have enough extra time and energy to give to researching for content. So we decided to come up with a 30 minutes or less process we use to create one month's worth of blog content ideas!

Step 1. Determine the number of articles you want to create. (2 minutes)

Deciding how many blogs you want to write is the easiest way to knock out ideas left and right. As a general rule of thumb, you should have at least one article per week in the month!

Step 2. Search for Industry Related Holidays for the Upcoming Month (8 minutes)

Use Google to find holidays related to your industry for the upcoming month with a simple search. Are you a pet groomer? Try "January pet-related holidays" in the search bar to find holidays that fit your business like National Pet Day or Bring Your Dog to Work Day. Write these holidays on your content calendar for later.
Want to skip this step? Use our 2018 Holiday Calendar here.

Step 3. Search for Interesting Industry Related News & Related Blogs/Sites (10 minutes)

Save industry related news articles for later to use as curated content or for a reaction post early in the month. A great tool to use to save articles for later use is Pocket. Save articles and come back to them so you can move forward with your blog content planning. Write down the article titles that will work for this coming month.

Step 4. Determine Your Blog Structure (7 minutes)

Now that you have a few ideas to start off with, decide what kind of blog posts you want to create for the month. You have a lot of choices to choose from such as How To posts, Quote Posts, Inspirational Posts, and more. If you're not sure what blog content you should be creating, use our cheat sheet of 40 blog post ideas here to help you get moving

Step 5. Wrap Up Your Ideas (3 minutes)

Now that you've made a list of ideas and figured out the structure of the upcoming month of blog posts, it's time to wrap everything up. Select the days you want to post your blogs and choose appropriate times for those days. 
You have a plan, and it's time to put it into action! Get started writing faster than ever before by following this 5 Step Blog Idea Process. 
We want to hear how much time this saves you! Let us know in the comments below.
About the Author

Brandon Meek