January 23, 2018


Brand awareness is the first step in any sales process. You have to make your customers aware of you before they can buy, right?  Well, there's one thing that builds awareness like nothing else. Can you guess what it is?  Online advertising.   Online ads make a huge dent in your awareness progress because they allow you to target your specific market for much less than traditional advertising.  Here at LeadCrossing, we've worked in the traditional advertising space, flyers, and more. But we've yet to see the success in creating brand awareness in those advertising methods like we have in online advertising.   Why is online advertising the best way to create awareness? Here's just a little list of things you can accomplish with ads online compared to traditional advertising: 

Traditional Ads 

  • Wide Reach (though many people will never be interested in your business) 
  • Need a large budget to produce one ad 

Digital Ads 

  • Reach targeted to your specific market 
  • Small budgets can still work to find good, qualified leads 
  • Retargeting allows you to follow your customers around the internet after they click on your ad 
We know that traditional advertising isn't dead and we're not telling you to throw your traditional ads out the window just yet, but we do know that most business owners are looking to cut cost and still grow their business sustainably. Online advertising allows you to do just that! 

Options for Online Brand Awareness Campaigns 

Facebook and Google Ads are the two most common forms of online advertising right now. They both go about advertising differently.   Facebook is a social media site that has millions of active users every day. They sell ad placements for your business to reach your customers where they communicate, while also allowing you to target those customers by their interests, activities, and hobbies.  Google is a search engine, but they also sell ad placements to have your business appear higher than others in online searches. You bid on keywords that relate to your brand and depending on if you win the bid, you can be placed number one or at the very bottom of the page.   There are other forms of online advertising such as banner ads and monetization techniques, but Facebook and Google ads are the most popular because they are relatively easy to use, set up, and get started even if you're an advertising novice. 

Results We've Seen from Online Awareness Campaigns 

Creating awareness is all about getting impressions, or views, on your ads. Facebook is our primary form of advertising currently for our demographic, so we have been hitting our online awareness campaigns pretty hard, and we've seen some great results.  We created an awareness campaign based on of our content we had created in September. We have a rotating ad that picks up our content and advertises them every day when they publish on our page.   In September 2017, our total reach was 6,442! We had a specific demographic we were targeting in September, so we found this number to be more than we had planned for initially for our rotating ad campaign. We gained ten followers that month and a few of them became leads for our business, too, just based on our awareness campaign!  The best part about this was that we had started posting quite a bit more than we had initially been. We had regular customers and clients mention to us on several occasions that they were seeing more and more of our content and enjoying it.   That's how you know your awareness campaign is working!  Advertising Tip: If you're not sure what to advertise for an awareness campaign, create content that inspires, informs, or provides value to your ideal audience and then promote that content!  

Creating Brand Awareness is Simplest Online 

Brand awareness is built in many ways, but the easiest, most straightforward, and most efficient way to grow your business is to create brand awareness campaigns online. We're seeing a significant amount of growth in our business because we focus on creating content that provides value and information to our prospects that eventually leads them to the next sales step, evaluation.  Don't get stuck in your old ways! Online advertising is the perfect way to create brand awareness inside your budget. Instead of trying out a new traditional advertisement, take a spin at online ads to see what it can do for your business!  We're here to help and want you to have a successful business like our own! Feel free to leave any questions or comments below, and we'll get back to you with answers to get you started. In the meantime, check out our other online advertising guides and see the difference for yourself. 
About the Author

Brandon Meek