September 6, 2017


Your market is heating up and you’ve never been more thrilled. But what most don’t think about is that the competition is excited, too! So, what do you do to keep your customer captivated when everyone in the market is fighting for a piece of the pie? Keeping your customer captivated is a never-ending job. You simply cannot afford to just run the same ad over and over and expect your potential customer to care. What does this mean for your business as you try to stake out your territory? It means you have to get (slightly) creative.

Here are 5 ways to captivate your customer without bending over backward.

1. Get Specific.

Whatever you’re using for your marketing, you need to get specific with it. Video content, blogs, articles, website copy, and more are all ways your current and future customers are connecting with you. If you’re not giving your customers a specific promise or task, you will miss out on more than just one customer. Your customers can’t read your mind. Getting specific with your content and marketing strategy is the best way to see the specific results you want!

2. Offer Value.

With endless amounts of content online, you may struggle to get your potential customers to stick around for more than a few seconds. Make sure you are providing some kind of value every time someone lands on your social media or website. By offering value to your customers, you can become their go-to resource for your industry, service, or product. You can offer value in several ways, but the most common way online is in the form of information. This helps build your credibility while also giving your customer something to chew on for free!

3. Give Inspiration.

In many industries, there are products, services, or businesses that are not easily explained. Without seeing a video, picture, or concept, many customers cannot visualize what it is you do as a business. The easiest way to show your customer what you’re capable of while grabbing their attention is to show examples of your past work or projects. Even if you haven’t started a project, show a blueprint or drawing of your idea. Sharing your past jobs or experiences is a great way to provide inspiration to a prospect that has been sitting on the fence that can lead to a real sale.

4. Use Video.

Using video is a great way to keep your audience focused on your business. Highlighting services, employees, or your business through video brings a more “personal” feel to what you do. Not only is it more engaging, it’s often an easy way to show off projects, customers, and services. It’s easier to show than explain and most times it’s a lot more entertaining for your audience.

5. Stay Engaged.

Although the internet has probably made your business the busiest it has ever been, it’s important to stay engaged with your audience, old and new. If you’re receiving messages on your site, emails, or comments on your social media, you have to stay alert and at the ready to answer questions and phone calls. By staying engaged, you’re making the extra effort to communicate with your customers. Many businesses feel like they don’t have the time or that it doesn’t make a difference to reply to a simple comment or message, but it makes all the difference in the world to your customers.

What Are You Doing to Captivate Your Customers Right Now?

Even though these ideas might sound simple, businesses all over are neglecting these tactics and customers are leaving them in the dust. Don’t get lost in your market. Make a difference by captivating your customer and exceeding their expectations. What are you doing to captivate your customer? What successes have you had with your own marketing strategies? Don’t be afraid to implement these ideas into your strategy to keep your customers close to the vest!
About the Author

Brandon Meek