November 20, 2017


 With over 2 billion monthly users, Facebook has it made in the shade when it comes to tracking information and clicks of its users.   Why wouldn't Facebook want to help you find your customers? (Especially since you're paying to advertise on their site based on the results you receive!)  Facebook's pixel does just that.   It tracks your customers' actions on your Facebook page, website, and more!   It's especially handy when it comes to retargeting and optimizing your ad campaigns to get the best bang for your buck.  But how does the Facebook pixel track down the people visiting your sites?  Well... 


Including a Facebook pixel on your website helps to track the actions taken during a visitor's time spent browsing your page.   Embedding the pixel into your site (if you don't know how to do this, watch this video!) allows Facebook access to the data and visitors who drop by any of your pages.   The pixel will then track any specific custom actions that you input into the pixel managing page.   By implementing the pixel into your site, you can see what actions are taken most frequently, keep track of any conversions on your site, and anything else you identify within Facebook Ads Manager. 


Optimizing your audience is exactly what the Facebook pixel does. Facebook will track exactly what kinds of people are interested and converting on your site and page.   From demographics to interests, the pixel will pick up exactly who is doing the most business with you and find others that match those previous converters.  Not only will this help you convert more of your leads, but it will cut down on the cost per click of your online ads on Facebook.  Whoa, Erin. What did you just say?  You heard me right.  Just by implementing a pixel you can help decrease the cost of your advertising spend per click!  Have you heard enough, yet?  Don't miss out on the best part... 


The Facebook pixel also allows you to retarget those who have taken action before, not taken action and just visited, and so on.   Why would you want to retarget people who didn't take action?  Well, let's say you were looking at a pair of sneakers online.   You're not entirely convinced on buying them quite yet, but you're thinking really hard about it.  Over the next few days you continue to see ads about these shoes over and over again, but don't think much of it.  Still...the shoes are on your mind.   You finally see an ad for the shoes on a very fit and muscled up guy.  You HAVE to have those shoes because you are a very fit and muscled up guy (or at least trying to be).  Cha-ching! You buy them, and all is right in the world.   Ah-HA! That's retargeting.  Retargeting is the perfect way to slowly (or quickly) convince your customer to come back and take an action they were considering previously.  The Facebook pixel is perfect for keeping your business in front of your ideal customer by allowing you to segment just what type of audience you're looking for to complete an action they haven't taken yet.  Because of the pixel you'll be able to choose from a dropdown list of audiences based on the pages they've visited, actions they've taken (or not taken) on your site, and how much time they spent on a page.   Pretty cool, huh? 

Use It. Love It. Pixel It. 

If we could pixel everything in the world, we would! The Facebook pixel makes marketing so much easier in that it continues to bring us leads with little to no effort. A few clicks of the mouse and we've done pretty much all we need to do to ensure that we have more money coming through the door.  Still confused on setting up your own Facebook ads? Don't worry! We've got you covered. Spend some time creating your own Facebook ad account here! After you're all set up, come back and set up your Facebook pixel.   Let us know how it works for you! If you need any help along the way, we're happy to help you get started.  
About the Author

Brandon Meek