October 12, 2017


Proving your value to potential clients is a lot harder than it sounds. Sure, it's easy to say what you do and how well you do it, but customers are more particular than ever when it comes to purchasing decisions. Gone are the days where you could walk up to someone's door with a sales pitch and sell a vacuum with a snap of your fingers. Customers now want more information, more time to mull it over, and more attention from those they choose to do business with. How can you help your customer evaluate what you have to offer and then make a quick decision about your business? Use video.

Types of Evaluation Videos

1. Product or Service Demonstration

Videos that demonstrate what your product or service is are great ways to show your customer that you have what it takes during the evaluation process. Showing your value up front can be helpful in moving your leads to the next step of the funnel.

2. Company Culture Explanation

Company culture is as important externally as it is internally. Your business mission and values are important to the customers of today. People want to know what kind of person they are doing business with and the best way to ensure they know who you are is by giving them a behind the scenes look of how you handle your business and employees.

3. Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are some of the most influential videos when it comes to purchasing decisions. Testimonial videos create credibility that you cannot create yourself. Potential clients want to know if you are reliable and trustworthy. Satisfied customer stories are the best way to build a real relationship with new leads quickly.

4. PSAs

Public Service Announcements (PSAs) can be used to create awareness, but more importantly, evaluate your business. Filming a PSA allows your potential leads to see what causes you are interested in and while positioning your company as a business that gives back.

Tips to Create the Best Video for Quick Relationship Building

1. Be genuine.

What would you want from your business as a customer? Think like a customer and treat them the way you would want to be treated with honesty, integrity, and respect.

2. Get personal.

Who are you and your employees? Show the human side of your business by highlighting your staff and customers.

3. Show your company's personality.

What makes your business unique? Tell your audience exactly what you think rocks about your brand. Being a little quirky and different can help you stand out amongst the rest.

4. Describe your core values.

What values do you expect your employees and business to uphold? Create awareness around the characteristics that matter to you as a business owner.

5. Show why your product/service is better than the rest.

What makes your product or service unique? Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what makes your product or service better than your competition. It's always good to mention your USP to help put your business ahead.

6. Avoid directly selling your product, but give information and value instead.

Show Your Worth & Build Trust

90% of people say that a product or service demonstration video helps them in their decision-making process. Including a video on your landing page can increase purchasing by 80%. Videos build trust. Trust builds relationships. And the quicker you can build a relationship with your potential customer, the quicker they will become a real client. Demonstrate why your business is a catch without a hard sell and watch them come with wallets open and ready to convert. Tell us how you build trust with your customers. Do you think it's working or are you willing to try out video for yourself? If you're using video already, what are some success stories you've had with video content? We would love to hear from you and feature you in a blog or video coming up!
About the Author

Brandon Meek