December 4, 2017


Every business should have some form of marketing strategy in place. But our strategy works applies to almost every industry with a few tweaks.
At LeadCrossing, we know that every business is different, but their goals are the same: to get more customers, grow their business, and make more money.
Through our many years of research and hard work, we've discovered the marketing strategy that will forever change the game for your industry.
This marketing strategy takes your ideal customers through the entire buying process in a few simple steps, a little hard work on the front end, with a lot of time to relax after it's all set up.
Want to get more leads flowing to your business?
Take a peek at our 6 Step Marketing Strategy that we recommend to all our clients starting out with their first real marketing campaign.

Here's how it works:

1. Content

Content is king of everything at the first level of buying, also known as Awareness. To create brand awareness, you have to have information out there that your ideal customers can find that will help them understand who you are, what you do, and why you do it.
Content comes in many forms such as blogs, social media graphics, images, video, audio, and more. By creating content, you're setting yourself up for success by showing prospects that you are an expert in your field that can handle their business without being too salesy.

2. Videos

Video is the next step that creates awareness on a much faster level. Videos help bridge the buyer between the first phase of buying, Awareness, to the second stage, Evaluation. Creating video content for ads connects your audience to your business emotionally, making it easier for those watching to share your video far and wide.

3. Online Advertising

Traditional advertising is still around, but online advertising is taking up more and more of the advertising marketing each year. Online advertising allows you to reach your specific customer where they are right now without excess expenses from unqualified leads that will never buy from you.
Online ads are a great way to test out the waters before committing to a full-on marketing campaign due to the lesser cost and targeting tools that get you in front of the customers you want.

4. Landing Pages

Your advertisements should always lead to a specific landing page. Creating a particular offer for every click through your ad is the key to hooking your next sale.
Be sure to create landing pages that make your audience want to stick around and convert into a sale or take an action, such as downloading a free trial or PDF.

5. Email Marketing & Retargeting

Email marketing and retargeting go hand in hand. You should be building an email list that allows you to send marketing messages to those that have taken action on your site.
Retargeting comes in handy when you get a visitor to your site, but they don't take the action you intend them to. You can retarget these people by "following" them around to the different sites they visit via ad placement online. If you want to learn more about retargeting, click here for our free retargeting guide!

6. Automation

If the above seems like a lot of work, this step is where it all pays off. You can automate all of these things after the first time you set it all up. It's as easy as doing the work up front and then kicking your feet back as you watch your computer generate new customers for you.
Automation is the key to making this system efficient and worth your time. If you haven't automated your marketing processes, you need to take advantage of the tools and professionals out there that can help grow your business.

Success is Just Six Steps Away...

If you're looking to grow your business and have little to no marketing strategy, this is the strategy for you. It's the best way to streamline your marketing processes and see success in a short period. Tons of successful businesses have used this method to earn millions of dollars. If you're a business owner, you know how important it is to be above the bottom line every month.
Get in touch with us today if you have any questions about this 6 Step Marketing Strategy. All six steps are addressed throughout December so you can learn more about what you need to get everything ready for the new year!
Let us know if we can help you in any way as we move through the next few weeks of free marketing tips and tricks and downloads!

Check out our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Schedule HERE:

[pdf-embedder url="" title="LeadCrossing's 12 Days of Christmas"]
About the Author

Brandon Meek