December 27, 2017


If you were to use two words to describe sales, what would they be? Charismatic, quick-witted, passionate, informative, helpful, innovative, driven, goal-oriented, self-directed, empathetic, balanced, passionate, driven, responsible or maybe rational?  I guess you might say, it could be all of the above, but let’s not forget these two words: Work Hard.  There are times when a salesperson is in the right place at the right time. That’s the easy way. But let’s face it, it doesn’t always happen that way.  Being there at the right place at the right time and being prepared is one step closer to the sale.    Add to the formula, commitment from the buyer and that gets you that much closer.  But it takes a lot more to be a salesperson.   Over the past 32 years I have owned my own company and lead a sales team. I have read more books on sales than most and with every book I finish, I learn a new technique to apply to help generate more sales. But more than that, I have found the following techniques help me increase sales year after year.  Here is the formula! 

Set achievable goals 

Ask yourself these questions.  
  • Where will I be a year from today? 
  • Where will my sales be? How will I get there?  
  • Are my goals written down?  
Webster’s Dictionary defines a goal as something that you are trying to do or achieve.  I have focused for years on this definition.   A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.  The main reasons why sales people don’t achieve goals are:  
  1. Failure to write their goals down and post them in plain view 
  2. Failure to make a plan to achieve the goals 
  3. Failure to commit or live up to the commitments they made. 
  4. Failure to make goals that were achievable in the first place. 
These seem easy to overcome, but 70% of the adults in society forget to put their goals in writing. Wow!  Here are some steps I have used in setting goals and achievement. If done correctly, these techniques will put you in the top 2 or 3 in your sales company. 

Identify Your Goal 

1. Write your goals down 

Write exactly what you want to achieve. 

2. Date It 

Write down a date and create a timeline to start the goal and finish it. If you miss this step, then your goal might be questionable. 

3. List the obstacles you will have to overcome to achieve your goal. 

Identifying the obstacles will help prevent them from occurring. 

4. List the people that will help you achieve your goal.  

Hey, we need each other and it is always good to seek advice. 

5. Make a list of skills and knowledge you need to have to achieve your goal.  

All of these steps are important, but this one is at the top of the list. Clients are looking for experts in their field that are trustworthy and know their competition just as much as their own company. If you find yourself lacking in knowledge find ways to acquire it. 

6. Make and write down an action plan for each goal.  

Be specific and detail your plan, that way you are more likely to take action. 

7. List the benefits of the goal achievement. 

It is not always about us. It’s about the client. If you take care of the client your payola will come. 

8. Take action every day. Even if it’s small. 

It only takes 15 minutes a day to chip away at goal achievement. Make a personal commitment to act on your goals and live up to that commitment daily.  To wrap up the first writing on sales, I would like to leave you with a thought. Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen wrote the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul” which was rejected by over 140 publishers who didn’t believe it would be a bestseller.  When it was eventually published, it sold more than 100 million copies and launched the Chicken Soup series, making both of them rich and famous.  “You have to believe it’s possible and believe in yourself. Because after you’ve decided what you want, you have to believe it’s possible, and possible for you, not just for other people. Then you need to seek out models, mentors, and coaches to take the journey with you.”  So together let’s start the first step and write down our sales goals. Apply the formula above and you will be on your way to becoming one of the top salespeople in your company.
About the Author

Brandon Meek