October 24, 2017


To many, blogging is just a means to an end. At LeadCrossing we believe that content is the key that opens all the doors, so we decided to take some time to analyze our content.  

You'll never guess what we found...

A month ago, we posted a really great blog that did pretty well organically. The reach was average compared to other blogs we had posted, so we decided to do an experiment. What would happen if we took that blog and paid for it to be seen by our target audience?  We set a budget of $38.31. Here's what we found compared to our original, organic stats: 

Organic Stats (Before Paid Advertising): 

  • Reach—35 
  • Total Clicks—3 
Not the greatest, but we were optimistic we could do better than that. 

After Paid Advertising Stats: 

  • Reach—2,530 
  • Total Clicks—35 
Whoa! That's a huge difference. Not only did we reach 2,530 people who actually looked at the ad, but the ad was shown to 3,650 users including those who clicked on the post and those who scrolled past. 

Here's the full ad we used: 

  This ad worked pretty well and we still saw stellar results, despite its average performance from the month before. By paying for our blog to be advertised to our ideal audience, we drove more traffic to our site and did better than we thought we would.  Read the full blog we advertised here, and then stay tuned for Part 2 to see what we did next to drive even more traffic to our site through this same piece of content!  Want to know how we move people through our retargeting funnel after we get them to click on our ads like the one above?   Ask to see a demo of our SCALER process to how we can transform your business with just a few paid advertisements! If it does this well with average content, can you image if you had a great offer instead? Set up a call with us today! 
About the Author

Brandon Meek